By accessing the Restaurant Restaurant website through the link, or by accessing any content contained therein, the user automatically accepts the following terms and conditions:
The contents and design of this website and / or other content made available and / or sent by email, or other means of communication, or provided in connection with the website are the property of the Gardens Restaurant. Reproduction of contents is authorized by indication of the source, unless otherwise stated. The user may not use or reproduce the name “Restaurant” “Gardens” and / or its logo, or create links to “” without the written permission of the Gardens Restaurant.
Disclaimer of Liability
The Gardens Restaurant secures the management of this website, in order to make it easier for citizens to access information on it. Nevertheless, and even if all the means at our disposal are used to ensure the updating, correctness and integrity of the existing information made available on this website, the Gardens Restaurant assumes in no case any responsibility for the updating and accuracy of the information available.
The user in providing the e-mail for sending Newsletters is automatically authorizing that Gardens Restaurant can send their own advertising content to the e-mail provided
Data Transmission
Any and all information you submit to us or post on our website becomes the property of Gardens Restaurant, and is not confidential and may be used under any circumstances, including the dissemination, reproduction, transmission, publication, dissemination and placement of content on the web. The Gardens Restaurant is completely free to use, for any purpose it deems appropriate (including, but not limited to the development, production, advertising and marketing of products), ideas, creative works, inventions, development, suggestions, and general concepts present in any communication you send us. The use of these contents is exempt of monetary compensations to the party that made the information available.
Personal data collected such as e-mails and personal contacts will only be handled by the Garden Restaurant group and will not be passed on to third parties.
By submitting information on the Gardens Restaurant website, you simultaneously warrant that the contents thereof are your responsibility and are not defamatory, and that the use by Gardens Restaurant will not infringe any third party rights or applicable law. The Gardens Restaurant is not obliged to use the information provided.
Site access and changes
The Gardens Restaurant reserves the right, absolute and not subject to justification, to suspend, change, add or remove part of the contents of the website at any time and to restrict the use and accessibility of its website.
Website Policy Privacy
Any content or personal data that is submitted to the Gardens Restaurant website is subject to Gardens Restaurant Privacy Policy.
Links to other Websites
On the Gardens Restaurant website you may find access links to other websites outside the Gardens Restaurant, without this meaning that Gardens Restaurant assumes any responsibility for the content, accuracy, credibility and functionality of third party websites. The availability of such links is made in good faith, and Gardens Restaurant can not be held responsible for any changes made to websites. In this regard, we encourage you to read and read the legal information and Privacy Policy of every website you visit from the Gardens Restaurant website.
The Gardens Restaurant and / or any other entity involved in the process of creation, production and development of this website shall in no case be liable for any direct and / or indirect, incidental, and / or or loss of profits, or any other damages and / or costs, resulting from your access, use or inability to use, change the content of this website, any other website you access through a link on this website.
Gardens Restaurant assumes no liability whatsoever for loss and / or damage suffered by any virus that may affect the user’s computer due to the access, use or download of contents of this website.
Forbidden Activities
Any activity that is considered by Restaurant Gardens to be inappropriate and / or likely to be unlawful under the law applicable to this website is forbidden, including but not limited to:
- Use this website to defame and / or insult the Gardens Restaurant, its employees, or other natural and / or legal persons, or act to discredit the reputation of the Gardens Restaurant;
- Send to this website files containing viruses that may cause damage to the Gardens Restaurant property or to the property of individuals;
- Post or transmit to this website any unauthorized content, including, but not limited to, content that causes, in our understanding, harm or damage, or otherwise violates Gardens Restaurant security systems or third parties, content that is defamatory , racist, obscene, threatening, pornographic content or content that in general is likely to be classified as unlawful or contrary to public order.
- Post or transmit to this website any unauthorized content, including, but not limited to, content that causes, in our understanding, harm or damage, or otherwise violates Gardens Restaurant security systems or third parties, content that is defamatory , racist, obscene, threatening, pornographic content or content that in general is likely to be classified as unlawful or contrary to public order.
Jurisdiction and applicable legislation
The content and information of the Gardens Restaurant contained in this website are made available only to users in Portugal. The Gardens Restaurant does not assume that such content and information is appropriate or available in other countries.
The user of this page and Restaurant Gardens accept, without reservation, that any dispute or litigation arising from the use of this website will be governed by Portuguese law, with the express waiver of any other, the forum of the district of Lisbon, Portugal.
The Gardens Restaurant uses search technology through Cookies. The Gardens Restaurant Policy on the use of cookies is set forth in the Privacy Policy provided on this website.
Legal Updates
We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy, which will be reflected in this website.